for better living
For the 7th consecutive time get involved VII provides an international stage to architectural and built environment education for young people at the Architecture Biennale in Venice. Current building culturally relevant topics and potentials for development are discussed and worked on in both theoretical and practical approaches.
Our living environment is a lively cultural space. It speaks many languages, presents itself in many shapes and colours and tells many stories. It is as versatile and changeable as we, the residents and protagonists use and shape it. Local is global and our living space is
multilingual, long since grown closer all over the world. We play, live, learn, work, feel, wish, act and speak in diferent ways. AND we build and design spaces for a constructive coexistence. But do we have one common form of communication, which allows us to exchange ideas about space and its impact and which enables us to understand After the
symposium we will combine the relevant and jointly selected symbols and patterns in a uniform layout and make them available to all partners as a new, internationally applicable communication tool.
is an experiment where we want to try to develop an international, universal spatial sign language. We will fnd symbols and patterns, that enable communication across borders in a playful, experimental and low
threshold manner, aimed at young people to animate them to participate in the design of space. As a kind of visual alphabet, symbols and patterns are what let us experience, understand and describe spaces.
Goals that we want to achieve together are:
*perceive space with all senses
*develop symbols as an international means of communication
*experience design as a conjunction of head and hand
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By inviting our partners from German-speaking countries, as well as using the international contacts of bink and the UIA’s (International union of architects) working group “architecture and children work program” we will acquire contributions for the collaborative project, which ideally should take place on site at the respective national
pavilions at the Giardini in Venice. All participating teams will develop symbols and patterns that will be applied and further refned during the symposium. We will collate all experiences and fndings in a common PATTERNLANGUAGE, which subsequently will be distributed as an international communication tool.
information about the CALL
We are looking forward to your submissions! Deadline: April 14th 2025
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get involved VII
get involved VII is aimed at professionals from the felds of architecture, structural planning, spatial planning, cultural education, landscape planning, pedagogy, youth work, research and science and at political decision makers connected to built environment education.
get involved VII PROGRAMM:
Fr 24. October 2025
11 a.m. registration and reception at the Austrian Pavilion
12 – 1 p.m. guided tour of the Austrian Pavilion with the curators
short break
1.30 – 5.30 p.m. symposium programme at the pavilions of participating countries
1 p.m. “Cucina Pubblica” – get together workshop
Sa 25. October 2025
10 a.m. – 2 p.m. symposium programme at the pavilions of participating countries,
discussion and conclusion of the symposium
3 p.m. “Speakers Corner” as part of the Biennale programme GENS at the Arsenale, in
cooperation with the UIA working group “architecture and children”
get involved VI wird veranstaltet von BINK in Kooperation mit

get involved VI findet im Rahmen der Biennale Sessions, Venezia statt
wir danken für die freundliche Unterstützung

für Fragen und Information stehen wir gerne zur Verfügung
projektteam Monika Abendstein, Barbara Feller, Marion Starzacher
getinvolved@bink.at, bilding