We all live, work and move within designed environments. Feeling comfortable and confident within these spaces is crucial for identity formation and maturity. Experiencing space is one of the most fundamental events of human existence. Practice shows that children and young people are very interested in their surroundings, perceiving it with a high level of awareness. The recognition of architecture is a learned skill, a skill that stimulates spatial comprehension and the understanding of design potential and the built environment. Architecture and built environment education improves visual, linguistic and decision-making skills and empowers a responsible participation in built environments.
The aim of the website www.bink.at is to lower access thresholds by making information and materials easily available.
On the site, documentations and evaluations of finished projects, ideas and classroom learning materials are available, as well as a calendar of built environment education events. It also provides a discussion forum for exchanging experiences with other initiatives in Austria and elsewhere and publishes theoretical articles and commentaries as well as relevant literature and links. The site has been online since late 2010 and is continually being updated and expanded.
This type of nationwide network of regional institutions is unique in the field of built environment education.
Latest News
“get involved VII – patternlanguage”
-to act and impact in space for better living-
International symposium of architectural and built environment education for young people from 24 to 25 of October 2025 at the 19th international architecture exhibition Biennale Architettura 2025
For the 7th consecutive time get involved VII provides an international stage to architectural and built environment education for young people at the Architecture Biennale in Venice. Current building culturally relevant topics and potentials for development are discussed and worked on in both theoretical and practical approaches.
At the two-day symposium PATTERNLANGUAGE – TO ACT AND IMPACT IN SPACE we want to develop an international, universal spatial sign language. On a experimentual way we will fnd symbols and patterns, that enable communication across borders in a playful, experimental and low threshold manner, aimed at young people to animate them to participate in the design of space. As a kind of visual alphabet, symbols and patterns are what let us experience, understand and describe spaces. more
Climate / Engagement / Change
International symposium of architectural and built environment education for young people from 20 to 23 of October 2023
In the framework of the 18th International Architecture Exhibition Biennale Architettura 2023.
For the sixth time in a row, get involved VI offers an international platform for the mediation of building culture for young people in the context of the Venice Architecture Biennale, where current topics relevant to building culture and development potentials are discussed and worked on in theoretical and practical exchange.
coLABORATORY OF FUTURE is specifically dedicated to current topics that are changing our environment more than ever and demand the highest degree of sustainable design possibilities.
The two-day symposium will address the topics of climate, engagement and change. In addition to lectures and discussions, workshops in the form of a collaborative laboratory are an important mediation format that creates experimental fields and experiential spaces for participation and co-design.
>> registration and more….
get involved V – together what else
International symposium of architectural and built environment education for young people from 22nd to 23th of October 2021
17th international architecture exhibition Biennale Architettura 2021
get involved V provides an international platform for Built Environment Education at the Architectural Biennale in Venice. Currently relevant topics concerning the built environment and development potentials are being discussed and worked on in theoretical and practical exchange.
get involved V is dedicated specifically to participation in Built Environment Education projects and aims to establish an appropriate basic structure for a sustainably effective development. The two-day symposium includes lectures, best practice examples, practical workshops on site and exchange opportunities on an international level.
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“get involved IV – interactive workshops for open spaces”
International symposium of architectural and built environment education for young people from 11th to 13th of October 2018
16th international architecture exhibition Biennale Architettura 2018
The general topic of this years Biennale “freespace”, as well as the Austrian contribution “THOUGHTS FROM MATTER”, place the socio-political aspect of architecture and built environment at the centre of public discourse.
In line with the topic of the 2016 symposium “public space as creative and educational space” the symposium get involved IV offers opportunities for discussion and insights on an international scale by performing hands-on workshops in public space on site in Venice.
“get involved III – bridge the gap”
International Symposium of architectural & built environment education for young people from 21st to 22nd of October 2016 in Venice
In line with “get involved I & II” in 2012 and 2014 “get involved III” will continue this successful series with an international competition entitled “bridge the gap”, inviting international architecture- and built environment educators.
With this assignment we expect to reach a very broad audience, from young people to architects, engineers and pedagogues, while keeping in line with the overall topic of this year’s architecture Biennale, “Reporting from the front”.
more to the Symposiumprogram 2016
“get involved II”
2014 continues from the broad-based architecture mediation discussion among experts with a practical workshop program with students. A two-day symposium offers four international groups of students from Italy, Slovenia, Germany and Austria the opportunity to exchange ideas on the basis of a joint construction task, to discuss construction principles and design questions and to implement them practically on site.
International Symposium
architectural & built environment education for young people
19th and 20th october 2012
As part of the 13th International Architecture Exhibition La Biennale di Venezia, this symposium will provide participants with an opportunity to share new ideas, and explore methods of architectural and built environment education for children and young people. The symposium is directed towards architects and engineers, scientists, students, educators as well as officials involved in project development and planning.
More information and registration: get involved – discover and create common ground